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Electrical& Electronics Engineering

Electrical and electronics engineering is the branch of engineering concerned with practical applications of electricity in all its forms. Electronics engineering is the branch of electrical engineering which deals with the uses of the electromagnetic spectrum and the application of such electronic devices as integrated circuits and transistors.

The functions performed by electrical and electronics engineers include (1) basic research in physics, other sciences, and applied mathematics in order to extend knowledge applicable to the field of electronics, (2) applied research based on the findings of basic research and directed at discovering new applications and principles of operation, (3) development of new materials, devices, assemblies, and systems suitable for existing or proposed product lines, (4) design of devices, equipment, and systems for manufacture, (5) field-testing of equipment and systems, (6) establishment of quality control standards to be observed in manufacture, (7) supervision of manufacture and production testing, (8) postproduction assessment of performance, maintenance, and repair, and (9) engineering management, or the direction of research, development, engineering, manufacture, and marketing and sales.


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